Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 12:10

    Mark 12:10   Jesus is quoting Psalm 118:22 here. Of course the Jewish religious aristocracy had read this verse. But their understanding of it would have been far from what Jesus is now intimating. Time and again these men heard Jesus using the Scriptures against them accurately. And time and time again this caused their great…

  • Vacation

    Beginning tomorrow I will be taking a one week break from posting. The Lord willing I will resume next Tuesday.

  • Mark 12:9

    Mark 12:9The logical choice. The offending husbandmen are to be punished. However, the key to note here is that though this would happen to the nation as a whole at that time period, this did not necessarily apply to individual persons. Many who were part of the plot to destroy Christ were later saved. Heavenly…

  • Mark 12:8

    Mark 12:8   When we think of what God has done for us by sending his Son, it is difficult to understand why he would go through with it. He is so great, and so much bigger than any of us. Nothing could make him do anything. Nobody could force him to action. So, he chose…

  • Mark 12:7

    Mark 12:7   This is a very revealing verse. It is upon this and other Scriptures that many scholars base the assumption that the powers of the world did not fully understand the plan of salvation. It really seems that the leaders in Jerusalem thought they could destroy Jesus and make him go away. It seems…

  • Mark 12:6

    Mark 12:6Why send his son? Why think that he would be reverenced? The amazing love of God is indeed inscrutable to us. Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much! How can we ever praise you enough? Your mercy and grace are beyond our comprehension. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus…

  • Mark 12:5

    Mark 12:5The landowner continues to send for fruit. And, he continues to be denied. The fact that so many messengers are sent is meant to highlight the mercy of Almighty God. A less patient master would come immediately and do away with these worthless husbandmen. Heavenly Father, thank you for your great mercy and grace!…

  • Mark 12:4

    Mark 12:4   Why get into the specifics of some of the servants that were sent for the fruit? Isn’t this belaboring the point? No. This was done for effect. Scholars of the Scriptures should recognize the parallel to the ministry of the prophets and how they were treated. Parables work best when the hearer doesn’t…

  • Mark 12:3

    Mark 12:3   These wicked men had come to enjoy the landowner’s vineyard. They thought of it as theirs. They had no respect for the rights of the owner.   The Lord sent to Israel many prophets, who called for fruit in the lives of the Jews. But, often, they found none and they were abused by…

  • Mark 12:2

    Mark 12:2   The landowner expects to partake of the fruits as per his agreement with the tenants. The Lord is always looking for fruit in our lives. This is for his glory, yes, but it is also a sign that we are doing well. Heavenly Father, thank you for checking up on us. Fruit is…