Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 13:14   As is recommended here, be careful to understand what is being said here. The abomination of desolation, found in Daniel chapter 9, and also 11 and 12. But what is the abomination of desolation? It refers to any time that the temple is desecrated by an invading ungodly army. It happened not too…

  • Mark 13:13   The idea of being hated by others is offense I know. But look at what Jesus is saying. It is for his name that we will be hated. That serves as an important reminder of a reality that cannot be denied. Those who reject Christ tend to dislike him. And why? Because he…

  • Mark 13:12   Religion is divisive. It is statements like this that cause many to say that religion is evil and should be outlawed. But, so many other things are divisive. Politics, for example is divisive. Can we eliminate this problem? Well, if we were to eliminate the human race, then yes, the problem would cease…

  • Mark 13:11   This is an important admonition. It applies directly to those giving testimony before officials, be they civil or religious. In other words, when we go to people with the gospel, trying to teach them, we may plan out our words beforehand. Whereas, when we are delivered up, meaning that our opportunity to testify…

  • Mark 13:10

    Mark 13:10   This verse means several things, but the main point makes a lot of sense in the context. Before the end of the story, all the world will have been reached with the gospel of Christ. This goes back to the previous verse. The mission of the Great Commission is not simply one of…

  • Mark 13:9

    Mark 13:9    Christians in history have been used time and again to reveal the true character of religious and civil leadership. Let a corrupt religion, or a corrupt government last for long and you will see Christians being given opportunity to testify. This testimony most often comes in the form of the Christian’s response to…

  • Mark 13:8

    Mark 13:8   Famines, earthquakes, wars and other events will transpire, Jesus says. This describes many events over a long period of time. But, as Jesus says, this is only a foretaste of what is to come. Heavenly Father, thank you for delivering your church from the wrath to come. You are so merciful! In the…

  • Mark 13:7

    Mark 13:7   We wonder what the significance of this is, but really, it has minimal significance. What Jesus is doing here is giving the disciples an idea of the general contents of this present age in regards to wars and various upheavals. In other words, he is saying, there will continue to be many human…

  • Mark 13:6

    Mark 13:6   At first we may think that these words could not apply to our present day. We think there are not many claiming to be Christ. But, the truth is that there are, and have been, many pretenders. In order to qualify as a usurper of the name of Christ as our Lord explains…

  • Mark 13:5

    Mark13:5   Why is it so important to avoid deception? Of course nobody wants to be deceived. But, it is especially important because that is just what the enemy wants to do, deceive us. So, Jesus is starting out by warning them of deception.Thos may be seen as a warning for all of history following the…