Category: Uncategorized

  • For You

    Saying, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ And he said, ‘ Lord, that I might regain my sight.’ Luke 18:41 He has done so much! But, examining this, one might ask, why did Jesus ask this? Didn’t He know what the man wanted? Anyone could have answered that question. Was it merely…

  • Standing Still

    Then, standing still, Jesus commanded that he should be brought to Him. When he drew near, He inquired of him, Luke 18:40 When Jesus comes to a stop, we must do the same. How often do we keep right on walking while Jesus has stopped to help someone? As the church here on earth we…

  • Shout!

    Then those who went before rebuked him that he might not shout, but he shouted much more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Luke 18:39 How many times have the children of this world sought to silence His people? And friendly fire is the most common form of this! We must shout, we must…

  • Son of David

    And, shouting, he said, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Luke 18:38 He did not wait a second! The blind man knew exactly what he needed to do. There was no time to be lost. And, he understood very clearly Who he spoke to and what he was asking for. The way this…

  • So they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. Luke 18:37 I can only imagine what was going on in this man’s heart at the time. Possibly he had anticipated this moment. Apparently he had already thought out what he would say and do in this situation. Unlike others who had not yet…

  • Who is this?

    And, hearing the crowd passing through, he asked, ‘Who is this?’ Luke 18:36 Having been blind for some time, this man would recognize the sound of a crowd walking by. Of course a large crowd would have some person of note within it, or would be a particular group headed somewhere for some important event.…

  • It happened as He was in the approach into Jericho, someone blind was sitting beside the way begging. Luke 18:35 The beautiful serendipity of the life God has planned for each of us is at once surprising and delightful. But, the ‘happenstances’ are all in His glorious plan. Yes, it just so happened that this…

  • But they understood none of these things, and this saying was hidden from them, and they did not understand what was said. Luke 18:34 There are two reasons for this. First, the disciples had the common human malady of not paying attention to things that they do not feel completely certain about. We tend to…

  • He Will Rise

    ‘and whipped, killing Him. And the third day, He will rise up.’ Luke 18:33 One of my favorite things to point out is the fact that Jesus had no doubts about what would happen. He knew from eternity past that He would rise again after the death He must endure. Death was simply a step…

  • He will be be delivered by betrayal to the nations, and will be ridiculed, and insulted, and spit upon, Luke 18:32 Jesus is very specific, and everything He says here would shortly take place. A normal human being in His position would not be able to know exactly what might happen. The mock trial and…