Mark 14:15 This room was already furnished and ready for their preparations. This would be a second story room, which would only be found in upper-scale homes. It would be the idea place for him to meet with his disciples. Heavenly Father, thank you for always knowing the perfect fit. You are so wise! Your…
Mark 14:14 The goodman of the house would be the owner, or the steward. This suggests once again that Jesus had prearranged this with this man. However, we cannot be certain of this. Certainly, anyone who knew and believed in Christ would have been willing to have him. But, the man seems to have been…
Mark 14:13 Many have wondered if this person that Jesus sent them to meet was an angel. This is quite possible. However, since Scripture finds it unnecessary to report that, we should find it unnecessary to think that. Either way, Jesus knew exactly what would happen before it happened. It is one of his many…
Mark 14:12 This is one of those occasions where we get to see the day to day operations of the Lord and his ministry team. It seems likely that they often assumed that they knew exactly what his next step would be. Indeed, several passages like this one indicate that there was commonly discussion among…
Mark 14:11 So Judas likely met with these men several times. This betrayal was not an overnight thing. Judas looked for an occasion to betray Christ because of the plans of the Jewish leaders. They wanted it to be convenient for them. It was not Judas’s own convenience that he was seeking, though it wouldn’t…
Mark 14:10 After a while it became obvious to Judas that Jesus wasn’t going to help him accomplish his aims. Judas was a theif, and had motives to match. And yet he was well esteemed, apparently. So he surely planned to continue in the same vein as Jesus set up his kingdom on earth. But,…
Mark 14:9 Now, this is one of those verses that lots of people will want to say was added later. But, when you start taking things out of God’s Word just because they don’t fit your measure, you step into dangerous territory. The fact is that this is one of the most stunning examples of…
Mark 14:8 She did what she could. What exactly does he mean by this? In other words, this was the best way she had to bring worship to him. It was giving her all. Jesus looks not for the size or grandeur of the gift, but the effort and heart behind it. She gave what…
Mark 14:7 The poor are always available. This is an interesting teaching. Even at the end of time, there will be poor people. Human society will not eliminate this vice, even if it seems that way. Jesus was not speaking here of his presence as the Son of God. He is always present everywhere. But…
Mark 14:6 Jesus rebukes the disciples who agreed with Judas. We don’t know how many did, but it could have been as few as one or two others. He helps them to understand that this woman is doing a good work. This is actually quite an important teaching. The Jews, including the disciples, thought of…