Mark 14:25 Do not attempt to use this verse to prove that Jesus drank wine. Though he likely did drink what would have been referred to as wine in that time, the only thing confirmed here is that it was a beverage derived from grapes. I’m not trying to deny that Jesus did indeed drink…
Mark 14:24 Jesus is referring to the New Covenant, which is explained in Jeremiah 31:30-34. The connection here is substantiated by Hebrews 8:6-13. It is by the blood of Christ that the Jews and the Gentiles may receive forgiveness. Heavenly Father, you are worthy of the praise. How can we thank you sufficiently for your…
Mark 14:23 The cup was shared. We cannot really get around that. It seems quite obvious from the wording here. However, so was the bread. Just as the bread was divided in order to be shared, the cup likely was as well. As long as we understand the symbolism, that we are all drinking from…
Mark 14:22 We need to keep in mind that this is being done during the Passover feast. There is a lot of significance in that meal, and it is only fitting since the Communion meal is also very significant. Jesus basically replaces the Passover observation with the Communion. However, we should be careful never to…
Mark 14:21 This is one of those things in Scripture that we seem to want to gloss over. We try to ‘tone down’ the meaning to ease people’s conscience. But, these blunt words are really that blunt. But why would Jesus say this? Well, we have to have a good understanding of the Word of…
Mark 14:20 Traditionally it was just Jesus and the Twelve in the upper room. However, Jesus’ words here would indicate otherwise. So, as we have already seen, there may have been a much larger group there present. It is amazing to think that, in all of this it was still missed that Judas was the…
Mark 14:19 Of course, they did not realize that the traitor had already laid his plans. So they ask if it is themselves that will be guilty of this. Judas played along. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love for us in spite of our sin. We know there will be those that shall not…
Mark 14:18 What a commentary on the evil of this sinful world! Here is the Lord himself, and yet someone would choose to betray him. There seems to be no limit to what sin can do to a person. To betray the very Lamb of God! What an evil! Yet, but for the grace of…
Mark 14:17 We know that the Twelve were his close group. However, Jesus had other disciples besides them. We don’t really know for sure how many there may have been at this time. So, why did he have the Twelve? He selected them. It is that simple. He chose a special group out of all…
Mark 14:16 The Passover was, of course, a very important time for the Jewish people. The disciples would have learned at a young age how to prepare for the Passover meal. The Lord wanted them to be involved in the process, not having others do it for them. This was appropriate, and foreshadowed the Communion…