Category: Uncategorized

  • More Than All

    And He said, ‘Truthfully, I tell you, that the destitute widow, she has put in more than all of them.’ Luke 21:3 Jesus makes a very direct statement concerning this widow. It is interesting here that Jesus uses a different word in verse 3 for the ‘poor’ widow than what we find in verse 2.…

  • Needy Widow

    and He also saw a certain needy widow put two small coins in there. Luke 21:2 This particular woman was not only a widow but had not been left well off by her deceased husband. Being in a disadvantaged position in society, she would likely never have much for the remainder of her life. She…

  • Wealthy Men

    And looking up, He saw the wealthy men putting their gifts into the contribution box; Luke 21:1 This would have been quite a spectacle. The drawback of public contribution methods is that they are open to ostentatious gifting. These rich folks likely made quite a production of the process. Since money was all physical in…

  • For a Pretext

    Who consume the houses of the widows, and make long prayers as a pretext. These shall receive extraordinary judgement. Luke 20:47 As experts of the law, the Scribes were looked to for answers about legal matters. Rather than following the guidelines that love, mercy, and kindness would dictate, they interpreted the law in such a…

  • Love Honor

    Beware of the scribes, who are fond of walking in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplace, and the seats of honor in the synagogues, and the places of honor at feasts, Luke 20:46 Each of these things is not necessarily bad. There will be those who appropriately sit in a place of honor,…

  • The where all the people could hear, He said to His disciples, Luke 20:45 Jesus had compassion on the multitudes. He attempted to guide the Jewish people to the truth. He did truly desire their repentance, though He knew what would happen. Heavenly Father, thank You for going on with Your plan in spite of…

  • How Then

    David therefore calls Him ‘Lord’, how then is He his Son? Luke 20:44 The logic here is airtight. The Jewish elites had no idea how to answer such a question. It seemed to them to be an irreconcilable conundrum. And, indeed it is if one refuses to accept the fact of the virgin birth. The…

  • Your Footstool

    ‘Until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’ Luke 20:43 This verse is short but loaded with meaning. The ‘until’ here should not be taken to mean that after this footstool business the Lord will be somehow demoted. The point is that there is a process by which all the enemies of the…

  • The LORD Said

    Even David himself says in the book of Psalms, ‘The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at my right side,’ Luke 20:42 Jesus is here quoting Psalm 110:1. The ‘LORD’ refers to the I AM, the proper Name of Almighty God. The ‘Lord’ is Adonai, meaning Lord or Master. This is a perfect example of…

  • Son of David?

    Then He said to them, ‘How do they maintain that the Christ is the Son of David?’ Luke 20:41 Jesus is preparing to delve more deeply into the doctrine of the hypostatic union than the Jewish leaders were prepared to bear. Jesus is not here challenging the idea that the Christ is the son of…