Devotional Commentary

David therefore calls Him ‘Lord’, how then is He his Son?

Luke 20:44

The logic here is airtight. The Jewish elites had no idea how to answer such a question. It seemed to them to be an irreconcilable conundrum. And, indeed it is if one refuses to accept the fact of the virgin birth. The Christ would have to be both human and Divine simultaneously, and the virgin birth is the means by which that was possible.

We might be tempted to think that the truth of the hypostatic union was altogether hidden and the Jews were justified in largely missing it. But such is not the case. There is a plethora of evidence for it in the Old Testament, not just the passage from Psalms that Jesus presents here. To miss it requires that one be resistant to the idea.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving to us Your Truth in spite of our tendencies towards unbelief. You are merciful and Your faithfulness cannot be overemphasized. We praise Your Wisdom, the Christ. He has made our lives abundant and free. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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