Devotional Commentary

Not even a hair of your head shall be lost.

Luke 21:18

How can Jesus say this after He had just said some of His followers would be killed? The statement He is making here about a single hair matches with a comment we have recorded back in Luke 12:7, and also in Matthew 10:30. God values us so much that He numbers the hairs of our head.

This is quite a unique and powerful statement. Regardless of what may happen to any one of the Lord’s servants, He has a log of all that pertains to each of His children. Being the creator, death is no barrier for Him. His power is absolute, and He has a beautiful plan for the future of His people. In this future His children will not only be alive, but evidently even past hair will be remembered to their blessing. We lose hair, skin cells, and other things all the time, so this is a testament to the infinite knowledge of Almighty God.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being so Wonderful! You are amazing beyond all of our wildest dreams! It has always been a special blessing to me that You number our hairs. The passage today is a great encouragement. Regardless of what happens, You know Your people and You care for them. How can we ever thank You enough? I will praise You forever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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