Devotional Commentary

Therefore decide in your hearts not to prepare a defense.

Luke 21:14

Initially, this seems contradictory. There are many Scriptures that suggest Christians should be prepared to defend the faith. However, we must pay close attention to what is being said here. Jesus is not suggesting that we never prepare ourselves to give good answers to those who truly seek the truth, or are at least willing to listen. Instead, He is specifically saying that we should not prepare to defend our faith when persecution brings us before political officials.

In other words, we are to live expecting to have opportunities to freely share our faith, and for such opportunities we should be prepared. Conversely, we should not live in anticipation of persecution, though we suffer under no delusion that it will never come. When persecution does arise, we will be given the words to say, but we are not to prepare in anticipation of that eventuality.

This actually makes a lot of sense. The gospel message is good news and should be shared as such. We are to prepare to share good news with people who are at the least willing to listen to our message. When we share with those who have already made it abundantly clear they are set against Christ, His church, and His gospel, we are not to prepare anything additional or different to fit the occasion. As the next verse explains, the Lord will give us the words to say at that point. We are not to be sitting around dreaming up things to say in response to adversaries. Instead, our focus should be on preparing to share with those who will choose to listen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for working in and through Your people! It is such a privilege to be used by You for Your goals. In Your service we find great joy. Your wisdom is clear. You have sent out Your messengers to those who will choose to hear. Thank You for making Your truth known! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.