Devotional Commentary

These things which you see – the days are coming in which a stone shall not be left atop a stone that shall not been thrown down.

Luke 21:6

The ancient building method for structures like the temple was to pile up hewn stones. The idea was to make a permanent edifice that time and disaster would not remove.

Thus, to actually ‘destroy’ such a structure, one had to ‘unpile’ the stones. Because of this, Jesus is describing a complete destruction; one in which the enemy would make the effort to completely erase the formerly existing building.

Heavenly Father, thank you for another day to serve you! Your glory and your holiness are wonderful. We are so blessed to be yours! Thank you for your mercy, grace, and great love. Your faithfulness to us is such a comfort. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray and praise you, Amen.